We're thrilled to share a glimpse of the powerful moments we experienced at the 8th Annual Ending the Epidemic (ETE) Summit in Albany. This year, World AIDS Day and the ETE Summit coincided, making this event even more significant. Our case manager, Phyllis Jones, and Deputy Executive Director, Breanna Watson, MSPH, CHES, CLC, represented us at this critical gathering. They networked, learned, and shared the HEAT Program's mission with a wider audience. But the event's highlight was seeing one of our clients, Ashley Deas, up on stage, boldly living her truth. Ashley's courage and resilience were palpable, reminding us of why we do what we do. We couldn't be prouder of Ashley! Her journey is a testament to the power of support, care, and determination in overcoming life's challenges. As we reflect on World AIDS Day and our progress, we're reminded that our work is far from over. We remain steadfast in our commitment to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic and ensuring everyone has access to quality healthcare services. Stay tuned for more updates from the HEAT Program. Together, let's continue making a difference! #HEATProgram #WorldAIDSDay #ETESummit #EndingTheEpidemic #BrooklynHealthcare #HIVAIDSAwareness